Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Just don't drink... no matter what.

I remember when that statement was the last thing that I ever wanted to think about. There was not way that I would ever not drink. It was how I dealt with everything. Don't worry everybody... I'm not thinking about drinking. I was just thinking about the tools that I have been given with this program. I wonder how people that do not have AA go about their daily lives without going crazy.. All of the everyday things that come up for me are meet with what i have learned from other people that have come before me in AA.
I think the most important thing that I have learned from this one and half year journey is honesty. I think that I used to lie more then I told the truth... I think that everything that came out of my mouth was a lie.. I didnt even know what was the truth.. The whole path of rigorous honesty was a very new and foreign thing to me. and I thought that I was never going to be able to go through with it. but I have... I am trying to tell people exactly how I feel and exactly how things are effecting me.. I have never really thought about other people when I was in my disease... It was really all about me. I am having a great time checking my ego at the door. That is what the master plan of all of this is for me..

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