Saturday, August 15, 2009

Its's a Sunday Sort of Thing.....

I really dont know why... but I always really like getting up and going to work on Sunday. Tonight is really no different.. Im pretty happy with where I am at right now. I just got back from a meeting.... it was one of those times when I really didn't want to go to a meeting... I drove around the parking lot a couple of times.. had the excuse in my head that there were no parking spots and that I could go home and get on my computer... Then I remembered that this is when I really needed a meeting. I mean really need a meeting. The only person that I was hurting was myself...
So I went. I could feel myself getting kinda annoyed during the meeting.. Its really just with this one person. So I know that I have to write about that person... and do some work around them. I was reading in the Big Book today... about resentment being the number one killer of the alcoholic. I have been going on long enough with all of this inside me.. so today I started putting pen to paper.. and doing work.
It is all out there in front of me... All of it. I just have to do the footwork..

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean.

    And btw, I also hate when I start getting annoyed at meetings, especially towards certain people, it takes away from my learning...


Let me know what you think....