Monday, January 5, 2009


Everyday is full of so much more life. Things that were always so
blankly in front of my face. Streches of joy and beauty...sprinkled
with of a little funk. And the funk I know how to get out of.
It used to be...the super relentless funk. That there was no hope of
ever getting out of. And really no reason to because that would rob me
of my self pity. Sprinkled with an intermiant sence of
belonging...fueled by copious amounts of alcohol. Small sutule smiles
that guarded my deep denial...that I wasn't that bad yet.
Now there is longer sustained smiles...fueled by optimism. With a
sprinkle of hope.

1 comment:

  1. Add a sprinkle of gratitude for good blog friends. *wink*


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