Thursday, January 22, 2009

Look over here!!

It's always right there when you need it. It really is. Right when I
didint want to go to a meeting...there was the pull. Somekind of force
the was drawing me into the room. It had to be my higher power.
Heard about surrender. That's just what I needed to hear tonite. I've
been praying for the willingness to continue on with my footwork. The
work that is freeing me as we I write. Every word is opening the doors
that have long been locked inside me. And I know that it is
working....doing exactly what it's supposed to do. I just have to keep
on going...doing it.
The willingness is coming. I know it.


  1. Writing has opened so many doors for me, it's opened my mind, my heart, my future to the possibilities. It's also been my therapy, the source that held the key to those imprisoned thoughts, my pain. Sounds like it's offered up a key to your own sobriety as well...(Hugs)Indigo

  2. You are right. Keep it up, - sarah


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