Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Great Morning...

Today I went back to my very first homegroup. The one that I went to everyday for a very very long time. I really dont know what was keeping me from going back to that meeting.. because everybody gave me big hugs right when I walked in the door. People asked me where I had been, adking me if everything was ok...
I told them that my life was good.. and that my recovery was very good.. I saw my first two sponsors both in the same room for the first time ever. That was really interesting.. I hadent talked to my second sponsor in a couple of months.. and I really just started talking to my first sponsor again..
So the day that I chose to go back to that meeting.. of all of the days that I choose... they were both there.. is God at work there.. I think that he is..

Another reason that I think that God was at work this morning... last night i set my alarm to get up for the meeting..it was set for 6:20. I used to get up earlier then that everyday for that meeting when I first started. I even took the bus to the meeting..
So I woke up.. and every excuse was going through my head.. all of the reasons that I couldnt get up... So i changed the alarm and tried to go back to sleep.. and I couldnt. That right there is God saying.... get your ass up. So I did..
and I am glad that I did...

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