Wednesday, February 18, 2009

all work is good work...

So yesterday I think that I had a breakthrough day...just sitting down and actually doing the work....I have always had trouble with really just sitting down and being able to meditate on anything. I can remember when I heard for the first time that I may have troubles with things like basic motor skills and reading for awhile during the first 16 months or so of recovery...all i could think was...not me. Im going to be different. Im going to be the exception to the rule...
but alas.....i has taken me this long to even be able to comprehend a complete page of reading....or to really concentrate on something. Like my fourth step....
So being able to just sit...stop...and really really a blessing.

1 comment:

  1. Love the new profile picture. I was the same way in my first year of sobriety, I couldn't stop moving...sit still for any length of time. It made me think way more than I wanted to, drawing me back to the reasoning of drinking was to bury those memories. Like you over time, where you are right now - you learn to quiet the noise in your head and finally hear what's going on inside. You're where you should be at this point in your life with your sobriety. (Hugs)Indigo


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