Monday, January 28, 2013

Have you ever just wanted to........

Quit your job and just be without a job for awhile.

I know that there are people out there that would think that I am crazy for even thinking about this. There are so many people out there that do not have jobs or are having a very hard time finding them. I understand this. I have been working really non-stop since I was 15 years old.

I have a friend that saved up a bunch of money and then just quit her job because it was not moving her forward in life. It was not adding anything to her life except the paycheck and a headache. She was in the same business that I am in.  Just talking to her was very inspiring to me because I see so many people around me that do just that. They can just change things on a whim and move in another direction. I know that I am that kind of person. I know that there is something else that is out there for me when it comes to making my living.

I have another friend that used to be a bartender in San Francisco and is now photographing weddings and travel layouts for big magazines in Vietnam. How cool is that? These are people who are following there passions.

Then I think to myself.... at least I am starting to explore some of these things for myself. I have started to progress and do things that I have always wanted to do but was always to scared to do.

Part of me is very comfortable where I am right now because I can live how I want to.... and then the other part of me knows that there is something richer out there for me. Something that I would never ever experience in my comfortable world.

Tonight just got my mind thinking and moving. I love that. I love hanging out with people that are thought provoking. Those are the kind of people that I want to be around.

I love my friends... and I love my life.

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