Saturday, January 24, 2009

Eleven Months..

And counting...that's where I am at right now. Just doing the next
right thing...I remember when that used to be so hard. It was
something that sounded so nice. Something that I wanted to do..but it
wasn't in my best intrests. Wasn't involved in my plan of attack.
It's creeping up on me...this whole year thing. People keep warning
me...about strange things that seem to happen around this time in
soberity. going crazy and going out. I just don't understand
how that can happen. I pray that it dosent happen to me....or anyone
that I love that is close. One of my friends in recovery is watching
the clock...tonite at midnight she turns 1. And I saw her tonite at a
meeting...and she had this look on her face...and this smile that I
can't really explain. But I liked it...and I wanted it. Soon... I know.
Happy Birthday Brandy!! One year!!!


  1. I said this you before: Keep up the good work.
    I relapsed at 14 months and I didn't think it would happen to me, but it is so true what people say about that 1 yr mark bringing up strange feelings.

    So just stay with what's working, I love reading about your wonderful progress!

  2. I think what people are forewarning you about is that it's easy to get a swelled head when you get close to that point. You let your guard down...That's them..Me? I'm on this side of the screen cheering you on, saying "Way To Go!". I don't see you jumping off that proverbial cliff of self destruct, I see you making it to your year, with the biggest, serene smile ever. The compromise is continue one day at a time, don't forget where you came from and you'll get to where your suppose to be. (Hugs)Indigo


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