Monday, December 21, 2009

It's Getting Closer.

The holidays that is.. I have been working for the past couple of weeks almost non stop... but its ok because I love my job and I work with really good people... but no matter how much you love your job and how great the people are, you have to get away sometime.. and my time to get away is going to be on thursday night. I am going home to see the family and enjoy christmas. Very different then it used to be when I was going down there to give the family their dose of me for a little while.. just so I could try to deny my alcoholism and get back home so I could drink like I wanted to ... I always remember my first stop when I was coming back into my hometown, and it of course was a bar. That is so fucking insane... that is what it used to be about. the entire holiday season used to be about getting it over so I could drink like I wanted to..
Now its different.. and I am alive. I get to enjoy my family. That is what I am on this planet for.. to live, laugh, and love...

1 comment:

  1. Stumbled across this tonight...and have been reading back over the months. I don't know what led me to finding this, but I did. Richie my heart is with you. I am so proud of your strength and your courage and you honesty. I have prayed for you often over the years even though we lost touch, and I will continue to pray for you. Keep sharing Richie as I KNOW your journey will help someone along the way...maybe insprire them to be honest with themselves and seek help or give them the modivation to continue on the path of sobriety they are currently on...but what it has done for me is remind me of the power we all have within. You are an inspiration! I am sending you love and encouragment and strength and a big big hug!
    All my love,
    Kelley :)


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