Saturday, October 3, 2009

times. like these

I have used this title before. but today I knew that I had to use it again..
One of my really good friends just had their first child.. a true miracle.
Its not enough that my friend and his wife are miracles in their own right but their baby... that is a true testament to what can happen to you in this life..
Things like that had never really even crossed my mind before.. well they did.. but it was always followed with the thought of how i would fuck the whole thing up. Now I can think about it in a different way... like some day I will be able to be right where my friend is.. I have always wanted to be a father.. it has always been a dream of mine..
So one day.. its going to happen. I know it is.. and that is something that I would of never of been close to if it wasn't for all of this happening..

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