Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Pulling up.

Its another beautiful day in sobriety.. and I couldnt imagine any other alternative. I often wonder sometimes how I went for so long living in that complete insanity. Living day in and day out in that alcoholic wasteland. Doing the same destructive things over and over again... not really caring about the result. I remember how stupid I used to think people that got sober were. and how they were missing out on their lives.. by not drinking. The same thinking was to haunt me for the beginning of my sobriety. I used to drive by bars and wonder what was going on inside... wondering what I was missing out on. Wanting to be talking to drunk girls... but then I remember that when I was deep in my disease.. I really never wanted to talk to girls. All that I wanted was the booze loving. I could really live without women. there was no booze in them, much live how I could live without water. No booze in water or food.
So I have been on cruise control for the past couple of weeks. I got a new sponsor and am working the steps. and I am going 100% this time. no stopping this time. So I am happy to report that I am seeing some light ahead. I am doing some things for myself lately.. which I have always wanted to do but have never had the drive. Like exercise... and something else really wierd happened to me yesterday. I was in a grocery store and I was looking at some of their prepared foods... and I was wondering how it was made. THAT IS CRAZY. Cooking and the desire to cook have never been with me. But lately i have been thinking about the stuff that I put in my body. I know... I never cared before. but now i do... go figure.
Well everyone. much love form Richie Rich

1 comment:

  1. Lately I have been amazed at how much I have learned in sobriety. I love that you seem to be the same way. It's kinda cool.


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