Friday, May 15, 2009

Wow...what a difference.

I was just listening to this group of really loud men that are outside of my house...yes it is Friday night and I know that boys will be alcohol fueled boys..but damn are they really annoying...not even really making any sense at all, just yelling out into the night air...sort of like wild dogs.
Well..tonight I really needed a meeting. I haveent been to a meeting almost all week. That is way too long of a time for me..I never really usually get Friday night off so I was pretty happy about tonight...because I was able to go to my favorite mens meeting.
These are the guys that I hang out with on my Friday night. This is waht I choose to do. and I love it...
This a group of men that really have made a great deal of difference in my recovery. It's a problem solving really just whatever is put out there by the leader..then thats what we talk about. And all different kinds of things get brought is a place that I can contribute and really just learn how its done. There is alot of sobriety in that room. Alot of people that I look up too...and there is alot of people in that room that respect me.
Its really a great place to get honest and really just put it all out on the table. It gives me so much hope to see men who have gone through all kinds of crazy things in sobriety... and not picked up a drink. thats what i learn from..thats what I go to meetings hear the solution...

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