Monday, May 18, 2009

Having a Choice

Another beautiful day in sobriety for me and many others....
My "little sister" in recovery is celebrating one year of sobriety today...and she is 19 years old. Something like that is so amazing to me..being 19 years old and having a year of sobriety...
She like me was one of those people that I thought would never get to a year. I never imagined that I would ever get there either...but she did.
I went to my morning meeting to celebrate her big day.. and it was so very hard to get up. I really didnt want to go..and if it wasnt for her birthday i probably would of never of gotten out of the door. But for some reason, God had other plans for me today. I got out the door this morning. And in true AA fashion, heard exactly what I needed to hear.
Having a choice today... I never had a choice before. I never had the choice to not drink. Even though that it was there, I was too blind to see it. Now that I have a little time... drinking never really ever come to me anymore. Now I have that choice. I have the choice to do the work.... or not to do the work.
I have been in a little lull lately. Doing the same thing everyday.... basically working... going home...watching a movie... missing my girl...not really focusing on anything. Someone really important to me said something this morning at the meeting...
She said..."this is the time that we are going to look back on.. and say, this is the time that defined our sobriety..."
Sometimes quickly... Sometimes slowly

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