Saturday, January 11, 2014

That Kind of Day

Today is a writing day for me. There are a lot of days that have become that for me.

I know that writing has saved my life on multiple occasions. At least it has saved my sanity more then once. I feel that I can write things down and take the power out of them. When all of these thoughts are just sitting in my head I am on dangerous ground for sure.

I go to a coffee shop and start writing. Usually I try to just write in streams of consciousness because it really shows what is on my heart.

For some reason I have never been able to look back on them... I have this fear about them. I don't know what it is all about but today for the first time in a long time I looked back on something that i had written in September.... and it was almost identical to what i am feeling right now. I was in the exact same place.. knowing what I had to do. The path was so well lit in front of me and then something else decided that it was going to be there turn.

I am ok with the something else.... I would not trade it for the world but I know that I got sidetracked from what was best for me.

I went a saw one of my best friends a couple of days ago.. this is someone that has known me for a very long time... and has seen all of the stages that i have gone through in the last 10 years. He told me something that I already knew but I just needed to hear from another person. I needed to hear it from someone that I trust and respect. It put me back on track... right where I need to be.

I love how my life is like that..... having people in my life that can just be present... and help me steer the course.

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