Friday, March 6, 2009

It Just Happens...

I want all kind of change. and I want it to happen right now. Not on Gods time, I want it to happen on my time. This is the way that my mind has operated for so many years now. Like i was the center of the entire universe. I learned that this was addict behavior...It was really my disease talking. I was told to start to do the footwork..and then things would just start to happen...
sometimes quickly...sometimes slowly...they will always materialize if we work for them.
But I had a real problem with the whold notion of having to work for them. I really wanted them to just materialize right now. Now I know that this is not how its supposed to work. That was not Gods plan for me...things are not supposed to work out exactly how I plan them too....
God is amazing...and I never would of ever thought that I would of been typing that sentence two years ago. but I know now that my God is a God of my own understanding...and dosent have to be like anyone elses...
People are coming back into my life..that I never in a million years would have expected to be. All of the things that I wanted to happen RIGHT now...they are starting to just happen....

1 comment:

  1. One of our most troubling lessons is patience, but I think you are getting it. Just stopped by to say hi..


Let me know what you think....