Thursday, March 25, 2010

When All Else Fails

When all else fails I need to remember that my higher power loves me and that I need to be grateful. I live in a beautiful place that not many others live in. I live in a place that others dream all of their lives to live in. And really this is where I ended up. Sucks to be me, I know.
I live by the ocean. On the left side of the country... I get to see the water everyday.. After my morning meeting I usually drive along this really pretty road in my town. I call this drive my "God Drive". It's something that came from my first sponser when I was first getting sober. We drove down by the ocean and we looked out onto the water and realized that there had to be a God because there were things in the sea that would eat us. And really the name stuck for me. I make the drive a part of my day when I have the time after my meeting.
Like in some of my earlier posts I wrote about how I get kind of funky sometimes.... Well this morning I was getting kind of funky so I decided that I was going to go on my God Drive and I really am glad that I did.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff Richie.... I stumbled upon your blog, literally... and I'm glad I did. I'm a fellow addict who also has a blog:
    I like your writing style. I'm a professional freelance writer. You are very real and very grateful for your recovery. I'm sure with that attitude you will go far. Love and hugs to ya, Robin (if you do facebook: I'm Robin Hale or Robinana )


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