Sunday, January 10, 2010

Another chance. Another Way

I remember writing something while I was on my way out of treatment for the second and "i hope" final time... it had something to do with being able to finally be who i was meant to be.. without all of the other stuff that was I am standing here almost 2 years later wondering how the heck I ever did it that way for so long... but it had to happen that way, for me to really appriciate all that I have right now. That was the way that it had to go.. and I am really glad that it did..
This week I am doing some preparing for some really major things in my life... well I think that they are major, but in the grad scheme of things they really arnt that big.. because no matter what happens I know that I am exactly where it is that I'm supposed to be.. and thats all that matters. SO Im just going to put it all out there and see how it goes..

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