Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Home Again

Hello there everyone. I just wanted to share this with you. So I am back in the City that I love. I am back in the City that changed my life... a couple of times. I am also in the City that gave me my bottom. I have returned a much changed person... and the City has changed while I was gone. Seems like this place that I love is so much brighter now then it ever has been before. I am seeing so many new things that I never really could see before. Maybe it is like seeing the City for the first time again. I feel sometimes that I have the wonder of a tourist the first time that they ever see the Golden Gate Bridge.
All that I know is that I have grown so very much in the past couple of years... and I have my recovery to thank for it. The major credit has to go to my God... (my idea of a higher power). Really I didn't do that much... I just held on tight for the ride.
I am home again... seeing all of the great things that I get to see.

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