Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Suns out... its ALRIGHT

Good day everyone..
So heres the plan for today. I have the day off and I am going to turn the clock back. But don't be worried.... Im not going to turn it back that far. Im not going back to the days of day drinking and tripping over myself. No way... I am going to go back to just about a year ago. When I didnt have a real job... and all that I did was walk around my town, just walking and being really happy to be alive.
I am going to fill this days journey with pictures. Then I am going to talk to my sponsor.... and see what direction is in store for me.
Wow.... it's pretty nice to even have that choice today.
I have a really good friend... that is going away for a couple of weeks. and I really hope that she is going away for what I think that she is going away for. That would be awesome.

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