Sunday, March 16, 2014

It's a Beautiful Thing

Sometimes I get these fits of inspirations that fill me from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head. I can't really explain them that well but i know that they are right. I know that they are supposed to be happening.

They are a combination of warm light, amazing warmth and boundless optimism that seem to just grip me. They grab hold of me and shake me to the very foundation. They refill my well of optimism in my life and the future.

Something happened to me last night... and in the end its a very good thing. Some part of my heart closed off just a bit... and there was pain. My heart was beating just a little bit faster then it usually would. But after awhile... all that I could think about was how grateful I was to have experienced it in the first place... and how excited I was to get to experience it again.. in a different way.

In the end.... this life is a beautiful thing.

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