Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Boot

So my car got booted. Seriously?! They said that I had 6 outstanding tickets on my car. I tried to dispute the tickets with the guys but that's not their job. They are just there to find and boot cars. 

I was teetering on over reaction... I could just see it. I stopped for a bit and really thought about my part in the whole thing. If I wouldn't of had these parking tickets then they wouldn't be booting my car. So I really could not be that mad. I had to think about it differently. 

I had to take the bus down to the place where you can pay your tickets. First good thing was that this place was open and they allowed you to pay and get the boot off on the same night. I would be screwed if it had to wait until tomorrow. 

I went down and paid my tickets and they were super expensive. Second good thing was that I have the means to pay the tickets. Even if I will pay for them later.... 6 years ago I would of been screwed even more. 

I was getting a little mad when I was paying the tickets and then I remembered that these people were just doing their jobs. Third good thing was that I was grateful that I was not doing their jobs... Because I work in customer service and I understand how hard it is when someone is pissed at you for something you had nothing to do with.

Then as I was leaving... I walked by the sfpd with someone out of their car at gunpoint... Fifth good thing was that I was not getting pulled over with a felony stop. 

I feel a little bit better about the whole thing. It's only money right? This would of wrecked me years ago and I would of been pissed at everyone... Except for the person that was ultimately responsible.... Me. 

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