Sunday, March 31, 2013


When is it the right time to take a chance again? When there is something that is really wonderful that is right if front of you? Even though you know that it might not be the right time for you or for that person... ?
Sometimes things just happen and you would feel a whole bunch of regret if you would of never tried.

I have been hearing a couple of schools of thought on the whole subject. One is that you need time to heal and to really figure out what it is that you want for yourself. Then there is the other that says that if there is someone that you feel that connection with right in front of you then you need to take that chance because it might not be there later.

I have always been in the school of thought that you have to reach out and grab things with both hands. .. and hold on tight because thats what life is all about.  In those cases you go open yourself to getting hurt.. because you really never know what is going to happen.

I would rather say that I put my heart out there.... and was honest with my feelings and communicated that with an open heart...  I do know that things happen for a reason. I have learned that it really is not my place to question the reasons that things happen... its just to know that I am loved.... and things will happen.

Sometimes just not knowing is the hardest part.... As a friend of mine says "its the ambiguity that kills us"....
When you get a better idea of what is going on you can get a little closure and your heart can move on...

i fucking love tom petty...
there is a Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers song for every situation.... Learning to Fly is perfect right now.

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