Saturday, January 24, 2009

All that...and a Bag of Chips

You want to I think is the best part about my recovery? I mean..other
then being sober and being able to complete an actual thought. Knowing
that I never am alone again. Am I am naturally a loner..I like to hang
out by myself. But I know that's it's not very healthy for me.
That is one of the biggest concepts that I know...not having to be
alone ever again. We always have someone around us who cares about us.
I really like knowing that there is always going to be someone older
and smarter then me in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous. It helps
with my ego.

1 comment:

  1. It's an amazing feeling. I used to have that lone wolf aspect myself. It's great being able to share with others who understand exactly what your going through. (Hugs)Indigo


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